Collaboration with Scientific and National Associations

Pasargad Energy Development Company (PEDC), with the aim of enhancing its interactions with universities and scientific and technological centers in the country, has strengthened its relationships with relevant national and academic associations. These efforts represent a significant step toward advancing scientific and research collaborations and the development of innovative technologies in the oil and energy industry. Emphasizing the importance of scientific and industrial interactions, PEDC seeks to create a dynamic and efficient platform for the exchange of knowledge and experience with academic and industrial elites.

 National Associations:

Iranian Chemical Engineering Association
Iranian Management Association
Iranian Financial Management Association

University Associations:

Sharif Student Chapter of the Society of Petroleum Engineers (Sharif SPE)
Scientific Association of the Petroleum Engineering Institute, University of Tehran
Scientific Association of the Faculty of Petroleum Engineering and Energy Geosciences, Amirkabir University of Technology
Kimia Scientific Association of the Faculty of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, Sharif University of Technology
Chemical Engineering Association, University of Tehran

 International Associations: