
PEDC has being invested more than 12.8 billion dollars in various sections of the energy field within Iran, which as of 4.4 billion dollars investments have been already fulfilled by PEDC in completed and ongoing investments. 


Total Invesments by PEDC

Sector Investment/Project Value MM$ SUM MM$
Upstream Oil and Gas Sepehr & Jufair Oil Fields Development 2,700 2,870
Pasargad Offshore Drilling Rig 170
Downstream Oil and Gas 6th Iran Gas Trunkline (IGAT6) 2,280 6,712
Pasargad Qeshm 35000 BPD Heavy Oil Refinery 212
Pasargad Geshm Oil Terminal 80
Qeshm Gas Condensate Refinery Plant 460
Chabahar Pasargad Polyolefin Complex

540 (PhseI) +

1,300 (PhaseII)
Hormozgan Pasargad Polyolefin Complex

540 (PhseI) +

1,300 (PhaseII)
Power, Utility and Renewable Energy Shariati Combined Cycle Power Plant 502 MW 200 1,101
Khoy Combined Cycle Power Plant 350 MW 100
Urmia Combined Cycle Power Plant 1444 MW 530
Pasargad Qeshm Water & Power Cogeneration Plant 135
Damghan Solar Farm 10 MW 6
Sorkheh Solar Farm 12 MW 7
Mehdi Shahr Solar Farm 12 MW 7
Development Of Shariati Power Plant - 245 MW 116
Total Investment 10,683

The diversified investments made by PEDC underscore our unwavering dedication to cultivating a robust and sustainable energy portfolio in Iran. These investments are poised to contribute significantly to the growth of the overall energy landscape of the country.

 PEDC capitalizes on a wide range of financing sources to develop strategic energy projects. By making informed investment decisions, PEDC ensures the optimal utilization of diverse resources to foster sustainable growth and achieve success. These financing sources include Equity Investment, Government Funding and Grants, Project Financing, Capital Markets, and International Financing Institutions.

By adopting this multi-faceted approach, PEDC ensures the efficient allocation of funds, mitigates risks, and drives long-term value creation for both the company and its stakeholders. Through the combination of these various financing sources and a cautious methodology, PEDC maximizes its investment potential and strategically allocates resources to projects in the energy sector and more sustainable future.

Map Projects


Khoy Power Plant Combined Cycle

Production Capacity: 350 MW

Project Status: Completed Projects


Urmia Power Plant Combined Cycle

Production Capacity: 1440 MW

Project Status:Completed Projects


6th Iran Gas Trunk-Line (IGAT6)

Production Capacity: Length of 593 km Transferring Gas Frome South Pars GAS Field for Export to Iraq & Internal Consumption

Project Status:Completed Projects


Sepehr and Jufair Oil Fields Development

Current Production Capacity: 55,000 BPD

Target Production:110,000 BPD

Mehdishahr Solar Power Plant Photovoltaic

Production Capacity: 12MW

Project Status:On-going Projects


Alborz Polyethylene Factory

Production Capacity: Production of Varios Polymer Products (Polyethylene Gas Supply Pipe and Wide Geomembrane Sheets)

Project Status:Completed Projects


Pasargad Offshore Drilling Rigs

Pasargad 100 Jack up - 300 ft

Pasargad 200 Jack up - 300 ft

Project Status:Completed Projects


Damghan Solar Power Plant photovoltaic (First Phase)

Production Capacity: 10MW

Project Status:Completed Projects

Damghan Solar Power Plant photovoltaic (Second Phase)

Production Capacity: 25MW

Project Status:On-going Projects

Sorkheh Solar Power Plant Photovoltaic

Production Capacity: 12MW

Project Status:On-going Projects


Shariati power plant combineds cycle Development of Shariati Power Plant

Production Capacity: 502 MW

Project Status:Completed Projects


Sirjan Power Plant Distributed Generation (Phase 1)

Production Capacity: 4 MW

Project Status:Completed Projects

Sirjan Power Plant Distributed Generation (Phase 2)

Production Capacity: 16 MW

Project Status:On-going Projects


Hormozgan Pasargad Polyolefin Complex

Phase 1 Product: 1650 thousand tons of methanol per year

Phase 2 Product:PP,HDPE and EPDM

Project Status:On-Going Projects


Pasargad Qeshm Heavy Oil Refinery

Production Capacity: 100,000 BPD

Project Status:On-going Projects


Pasargad Qeshm Port(Exclusive)

Production Capacity: 17.5 Mt/Year Export and Import Of Refinery Feedstock

Project Status:Completed Projects


Pasargad Qeshm Power &Water
Cogeneration Plant

Production Capacity: 400 MW

Project Status:Completed Projects


Pasargad Qeshm Gas Condensate Refinery

Production Capacity: 60,000 BPD

Project Status:On-going Projects

Chabahar Pasargad Polyolefin Complex

Production Capacity Phase1: Methanol 1,650 KTA

Production Capacity Phase2: PP, Olefin, HDPE/LLDPE

Project Status:On-going Projects

Kurdistan Province Solar Power Plant

Production Capacity: 10 MW

Project Status:On-going Projects

Lorestan Province Solar Power Plant

Production Capacity: 60 MW

Project Status:On-going Projects

Solar power plant in Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari province

Production Capacity: 100 MW

Project Status:On-Going Projects

Pasargad Offshore Drilling Rigs

Pasargad 21 D.W.:2000 HP

Pasargad 31 D.W.:3000 HP

Project Status:Completed Projects

Abadeh Solar Power Plant, Fars Province

Production Capacity: 150 MW

Project Status:On-Going Projects

Providing Drilling Services

Project Status:Completed Projects

Solar power plant in Kerman province

Production Capacity: 300 MW

Project Status:On-Going Projects

Solar power plant in Gilan province

Production Capacity: 20 MW

Project Status:On-Going Projects

Qazvin Province Solar Power Plant

Production Capacity: 195 MW

Project Status:On-Going Projects

Eshtehard Solar Power Plant, Alborz Province

Production Capacity: 250 MW

Project Status:On-Going Projects

Development of Taban Pasargad Power Plant

Production Capacity: 240 MW

Project Status:On-Going Projects

Tehran Province Solar Power Plant

Production Capacity: 110 MW

Project Status:On-Going Projects

Solar power plant in North Khorasan Province

Production Capacity: 60 MW

Project Status:On-Going Projects

Solar power plant in Khorasan Razavi province

Production Capacity: 110 MW

Project Status:On-Going Projects

Hamedan province solar power plant

Production Capacity: 135 MW

Project Status:On-Going Projects