Petro Kala Pasargad Kish Company

Petrokala Pasargad Kish is a specialized company that provides repair services for drilling equipment in Iran. Established in 2010, the company has become one of the main providers of such services in the country's drilling projects. Petrokala has equipped yards for advanced cutting and threading repairs on Kish Island and Ahvaz, giving it a unique competitive advantage in providing services to companies in the oil and gas industry.

Currently, the company is expanding its services to the oil processing sector and emerging production markets. Its main activities include manufacturing and providing services related to mobile oil treatment (MOT), supplying and repairing CRA drilling equipment and pipes, cleaning drilling equipment and pipes, repairing and testing drilling jars, renting drilling equipment and locating lost equipment, and supplying equipment for dry land and offshore drilling rigs.


Call us
Tel :(+98) 21-79714882
Email us
Unit 1013, 10th Floor, No.38, Hamila Center, Fallahzadeh Blvd., Pounak, Tehran
Field of activity
carrying out all matters related to plans and projects in the field of oil and gas and related industries in the form of contracting and project management and contract management.