Shokufa Sazan Sabz Pasargad

The Shakoufasazan Sabz Pasargad Company, with over a decade of experience in the construction of industrial park infrastructure, currently owns numerous lands with various uses, one of which is the non-governmental Shakoufasazan Sabz Pasargad Industrial Park located in the northern part of Hidaj city (75 kilometers along the Qazvin-Zanjan highway). This industrial park covers an area of 95 hectares, including sectors such as food, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, steel, leather, etc. Its operational license has been obtained since 2019, and the design and implementation activities have begun. It is worth mentioning that the park consists of three phases: a 30-hectare southern phase, a 40-hectare western phase, and a 25-hectare northern phase, with the first phase (30 hectares) currently nearing completion. Given the presence of suitable facilities and infrastructure, as well as its unique geographical location, it presents a valuable investment opportunity for the establishment of industrial and production units.


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No. 139, 4th Floor, Unit 3, Pasargad Building, Next to Al-Ghadir Mosque, Mirdamad Boulevard, Tehran, Iran