17th well comes online in Sepehr, Jofeir oilfields
Managing director of Pasargad Exploration, Development and Production Company has announced that Jofeir well-8, as the 17th well in Sepehr and Jofeir oilfields, came on stream.
“Jofeir well-8, as the 17th oil well in Sepehr and Jofeir oilfields, came online following the installation of valves and fittings, and electric and wellhead equipment as well as construction of about 2.8 kilometers of 6-inch underground flow lines, Ahmad Mohammadi said.
Production from the well not only will increase oil output from the project, but also will be another step towards achieving production goals for the current Iranian calendar year (to end in March 20, 2025), he added.
It is worth mentioning that the construction and launching of the well were carried out in accordance with the standards of the National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) and the approvals of the Petroleum Engineering and Development Company (PEDEC) as the project’s investee company.