Oil Production from Sepehr and Jofeir Fields Surpasses 50,000 Barrels Per Day Following Startup of Jofeir-7 Well
With the commencement of oil production from the Jofeir-7 well, oil output from the Sepehr and Jofeir fields has exceeded 50,000 barrels per day. This announcement was made by Ahmad Mohammadi, CEO of Pasargad Exploration, Development, and Production Company.
According to the public relations office of the Pasargad Energy Group, Mohammadi stated that the Jofeir-7 well began production on Saturday, November 17, at an estimated rate of 5,000 barrels per day. This operation has pushed the combined daily production from the Sepehr and Jofeir oil fields beyond the 50,000 barrels per day mark.
He mentioned that Jofeir-7 is the third well in the Sepehr and Jofeir fields to enter production since the beginning of the Iranian calendar year 1403. With the addition of the Jofeir-7 well, the total incremental daily production from these fields in the current year has reached over 12,000 barrels, marking a significant achievement for the upstream oil sector.
The CEO of Pasargad Exploration, Development, and Production Company also emphasized that the cost of bringing a well into production in an undeveloped field ranges between $20,000 to $25,000 per barrel. He noted that the over 12,000 barrels added this year to the Sepehr and Jofeir oil fields is a result of the Pasargad Energy Group's investment, which has contributed to the augmentation of the country’s oil production.
Mohammadi highlighted the complex and high-pressure reservoir characteristics of the Sepehr and Jofeir fields, as well as the domestic technological capabilities utilized in designing the wells under such conditions. He concluded by stating that increasing oil production from a field to over 50,000 barrels per day is a significant achievement that is regarded as a major success worldwide.