
214bcm of Gas Processed

214bcm of Gas Processed

Sunday، 17 June 2018

TEHRAN (Shana) -- Iranian gas refineries processed 214 billion cubic meters of natural gas over the course of the previous Iranian calendar year which ended on March 20, up by 9% from the preceding year.


According to the National Iranian Gas Company (NIGC), the director of production coordination and monitoring of NIGC said inauguration of new South Pars phases not only maximized gas supply to the domestic market, it boosted production of byproducts so much so that gas condensate production rose by 11% from the preceding year and ethane and sulfur output of the country rose by 23 and 7.3 percent respectively.

Gholamreza Bahman-nia said Iran's refineries enjoy the required capacity for boosting their sweet gas output.  

  • 214bcm of Gas Processed