
PEDC, a leading group in the Iranian energy industry as the first company, was honored to certified  by ISO 30401 from Iran TUVNORD certificate body

PEDC, a leading group in the Iranian energy industry as the first company, was honored to certified  by ISO 30401 from Iran TUVNORD certificate body

Sunday، 26 April 2020

Pasargad Energy Development, a leading group in the Iranian energy industry as the first company, was honored to certified  by ISO 30401 from Iran TUVNORD certificate body.

This is an important step towards developing the infrastructure needed for strategic intelligence and achieving the position of group as partner of choice  in Iran. We believe that knowledge, as the most important core competency, will be our competitive advantage that will ensure sustainable growth and development and value creation for our shareholders.
  • PEDC, a leading group in the Iranian energy industry as the first company, was honored to certified  by ISO 30401 from Iran TUVNORD certificate body