
2nd Train of SP 13 Refinery Online

2nd Train of SP 13 Refinery Online

Monday، 28 May 2018

TEHRAN (Shana) -- Iran has launched the second train of the gas sweetening unit of phase 13 of the supergiant South Pars Gas Field.


Operating at 7 million cubic meters per day of gas processing capacity, the project's commissioning took place following all the required standard tests and pre-startup operations.

Once fully operational, the unit will be able to process 14.2 mcm/d (or 500 million cubic feed per day) of natural gas for injection to the national gas trunklines.

The first sweetening train of the Phase 13 onshore refinery came online on March 20 and is now operating at 9 mcm/d of capacity. The unit is fed by the sour gas recovered from South Pars's phase 6 to 8.

Operation of the two trains will bring the refinery's production capacity to half.

The second two sweetening trains of the refinery are scheduled to come on-stream by mid-September to bring the facility's production capacity to 50 mcm/d.

According to Payam Motamed, operator of Phase 13, the gas recovered from the phase will be fed to its onshore refinery by November.

South Pars Phase 13 is being developed by a consortium of PetroPayadar, MAPNA and Sadra companies for production of 56 million cubic meters per day of sour gas, 50 million cubic meters/day of sweet gas, 2,900 tons/day of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), 2,750 tons/day of ethane, 75,000 barrels/day of gas condensate and 400 tons/day of sulfur.



  • 2nd Train of SP 13 Refinery Online