
Fire at South Pars SPD9 Platform Put Out; No One Killed

Fire at South Pars SPD9 Platform Put Out; No One Killed

Monday، 17 June 2019

TEHRAN (Shana) – The fire that gripped SPD9 Platform of South Pars gas field was put out by fireboats in the area almost two hours.

The CEO of the Pars Oil and Gas Company (POGC) said no one was reportedly killed by the fire in the offshore platform on Wednesday.

SPD9 caught fire at 3 p.m. local time but killed no one as all the staff had evacuated the platform before the fire broke out, Mohammad Meshkinfam told Shana.

Given that the platform is now fully evacuated, no contact can be made to learn about the latest developments in the platform, he added.

  • Fire at South Pars SPD9 Platform Put Out; No One Killed