
Integration of Petchem Holdings Economically Beneficial: CEO

Integration of Petchem Holdings Economically Beneficial: CEO

Sunday، 21 October 2018

TEHRAN (Shana) -- The CEO of the National Petrochemical Company (NPC) said integration of petrochemical holding companies in Iran can be socially and economically beneficial for the country.


Addressing a panel on the second day of the 4th Iranian Petroleum and Energy Club Congress & Exhibition in Tehran on Wednesday, Reza Norouzzadeh said, “Holdings must be homogeneous. Undoubtedly, integration of petrochemical holdings is in the interests of the community, the development of the country and, in general, their own benefit. Integration of holdings leads to the creation of a real private sector in the sector.”

The official, who is also deputy petroleum minister for petrochemical affairs, said that petrochemical plans, in some cases, bridge the relationship between the government and the private sector, adding: “Petrochemical companies regularly supply the country with revenues.”

Pasargad Energy Development Co. (PEDC) is an independent energy company based in Iran. PEDC is an integrated energy company whose activities span the entire value chain including exploration, production, refining, petrochemicals marketing, power generation & renewables as well as new high-tech venture capitalizing. Our headquarter is located in Tehran. PEDC is present across the Iranian continental shelf and international market through its subsidiaries. We create value for our shareholders through active investment, high-level monitoring of our projects, building world-class partnership and managing our risks effectively and making balanced portfolio. Meantime, we contribute to the sustainable development of the energy sector and communities in our country. PEDC’s competitiveness relies upon our values-based performance culture, with a strong commitment to transparency, cooperation and continuous operational improvement. As a wholly owned subsidiary of the Pasargad Financial Group, with Pasargad Bank being a distinctive shareholder, we owe our success to our experience, management knowledge and strong local/international partnerships since 2008. PEDC is committed to maintaining sustainability and being recognized as the strategic partner of choice in Iran’s energy and petrochemical sector.​

  • Integration of Petchem Holdings Economically Beneficial: CEO