
NIGC to Entrust Gas Transmission to Private Sector: Official

NIGC to Entrust Gas Transmission to Private Sector: Official

Saturday، 09 June 2018

TEHRAN (Shana) -- The National Iranian Gas Company (NIGC) is planning to entrust gas transmission projects to the private sector, an official with the company said.


Speaking to Shana, Saeid Momeni, director of gas transmission at NIGC, said the company plans to empower domestic developers by entrusting projects to them including gas transmission and delivery to subscribers.

He said NIGC and the Technical and Vocational Training Organization of Iran had recently signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) based on which the latter would provide training for human resources of contractors who cooperate with NIGC based on the latest standards.

“The potentialities of these human resources would be employed by NIGC in all the outsourced projects of the company,” Momeni said, adding private contractors for delivering gas to subscribers in 23 cities have been designated and would shortly start off their operations.

  • NIGC to Entrust Gas Transmission to Private Sector: Official