
No Halt in South Korea Oil Purchase from Iran

No Halt in South Korea Oil Purchase from Iran

Wednesday، 11 July 2018

TEHRAN (Shana) -- South Korean Embassy in Tehran announced on Saturday the country's purchase of crude oil and gas condensate from Iran was continuing unhalted.


Loading of tankers with Iranian oil and gas condensate and oil purchase from Iran to South Korea is still continuing, said the embassy in a message on Saturday, July 7, 2018.

South Korean government is in talks with the US government to obtain a sanctions waiver to continue oil purchase from Iran in case of re-imposed American sanctions on Tehran, the message added.

South Korea has purchased an average of 262,000 barrels per day of crude oil and gas condensate from Iran over the course of the past 3 months of the current Iranian calendar year which began on March 21. After China and India, South Korea is Iran's biggest Asian oil buyer.  

There were reports in recent days indicating that Seoul has stopped importing petroleum from Iran due to fear from US sanctions for buying oil from Iran.

  • No Halt in South Korea Oil Purchase from Iran