
Hasheminejad Refinery Conserves 5 mcm Gas in Q1

Hasheminejad Refinery Conserves 5 mcm Gas in Q1

Saturday، 28 July 2018

TEHRAN (Shana) -- The CEO of Hasheminejad Gas Refinery said the facility had reduced gas consumption by 5 million cubic meters in the first quarter of the current Iranian calendar year which began on March 21, compared to the same period last year.


According to the National Iranian Gas Company (NIGC), Majid Monabatti said the conservation was made possible by daily monitoring of energy consumption at the facility.

"Energy consumption intensity of the company has dropped by 1.5% in the period," he said.

He added considering the implementation of effective projects to improve energy performance of the refinery such as the launch of the second phase of the refinery's flare stacks, optimal use of hydraulic turbines and gas compressors, recovery of gas purification units, utilization of electricity generators based on the maximum total efficiency (heat and electricity) and other corrective actions, this year the energy efficiency of the refinery will continue to improve.

  • Hasheminejad Refinery Conserves 5 mcm Gas in Q1