
CSR’s role in changing business environment of companies involved in the field of industry

CSR’s role in changing business environment of companies involved in the field of industry

Wednesday، 10 October 2018

Social advisor of Petroleum Ministry, "Seyed Amir Talebian", will speak on the panel of “The communication of corporations’ social responsibility with sustainable development” held in the 1st day of the petroleum and energy club congress at the IRIB International Conference Center Tehran, Iran.

“Dr. Mohammad Fazeli”, Ministry of Energy’s advisor, “Dr. Mohammad Reza Mahdizadeh”, Director of planning and human resource planning at National Iranian Oil refining and distribution company, "Dr. Mohammad Hossein Papoli Yazdi", Chairman of the board of Amayesh and Tose’e Shargh Company and “Dr. Tahereh Kharestani”, advisor and trainer of organization of sustainability and responsibility management will speak on this panel.

Panel Date: Tuesday, 16 Oct. 2018 at 10:30-12:00 AM


4th Iranian Petroleum and Energy Congress and Exhibition will be held by Iranian Petroleum and Energy Club (IPEC) and supporters with the presence of high-ranked local and International distinguished senior managers as well as local and foreign companies of petroleum and energy fields on 16-18 Oct. 2018 at the IRIB International Conference Center, Tehran, Iran.

Source : Link

Pasargad Energy Development Co. (PEDC) is an independent energy company based in Iran. PEDC is an integrated energy company whose activities span the entire value chain including exploration, production, refining, petrochemicals marketing, power generation & renewables as well as new high-tech venture capitalizing. Our headquarter is located in Tehran. PEDC is present across the Iranian continental shelf and international market through its subsidiaries. We create value for our shareholders through active investment, high-level monitoring of our projects, building world-class partnership and managing our risks effectively and making balanced portfolio. Meantime, we contribute to the sustainable development of the energy sector and communities in our country. PEDC’s competitiveness relies upon our values-based performance culture, with a strong commitment to transparency, cooperation and continuous operational improvement. As a wholly owned subsidiary of the Pasargad Financial Group, with Pasargad Bank being a distinctive shareholder, we owe our success to our experience, management knowledge and strong local/international partnerships since 2008. PEDC is committed to maintaining sustainability and being recognized as the strategic partner of choice in Iran’s energy and petrochemical sector.​

  • CSR’s role in changing business environment of companies involved in the field of industry