
Snefrid Nord on stream

Snefrid Nord on stream

Sunday، 08 September 2019

On 1 September Equinor and its partners started production from the Snefrid Nord gas field, the first discovery tied back to the Norwegian Sea Aasta Hansteen field. It also sets a new depth record on the Norwegian continental shelf (NCS).

Recoverable resources for Snefrid Nord are estimated at 4.4 billion standard cubic metres of gas (27,5 million barrels oil equivalents) and some condensate. This will extend plateau production from Aasta Hansteen by almost a year. On plateau Snefrid Nord will produce four million cubic metres of gas per day.

Aasta Hansteen came on stream in December 2018. Together with the Polarled pipeline the field opened a new region in the Norwegian Sea for gas export to Europe. Less than a year later the first discovery is tied back to the field.

“Snefrid Nord has been delivered without any serious injuries, ahead of schedule and within the cost estimate,” says Geir Tungesvik, senior vice president for project development in Equinor.

It cost around NOK 1.2 billion to develop Snefrid Nord. Originally the field was to start production at the end of 2019.

Snefrid Nord was discovered in 2015 and in 2017 the field development was sanctioned. The concept includes one well in a subsea template tied back to the Aasta Hansteen field by a pipeline and an umbilical.

Source : Link

  • Snefrid Nord on stream