The seminar, based in POGC, was held with the participation of managers and the experts of the POGC and the technical and management team of ESTD company.
Seminar Description
After mentioning a brief history and the potentials of ESTD company, the advantages, and capabilities of RETINA in both black oil and compositional version were presented. Simultaneously, the questions and concerns of POGC experts were responded. Afterward, ESTD expressed interest in providing consultancy services to solve the technical issues in the reservoir simulation studies of POGC and customizing RETINA with them as features at the same time. Later on, the results of RETINA simulations in real fields were compared to those of existing commercial simulators in Iran.
In the end, the dedication of an evaluation license of RETINA Compositional to POGC was decided and the cooperation of two companies would continue after checking and validating the simulator.