
Signing of MoU for Cooperation between Shiraz University and ESTD

Signing of MoU for Cooperation between Shiraz University and ESTD

Monday، 06 July 2020

Signing of MoU for Cooperation between Shiraz University and ESTD

In a meeting at the ESTD office, Dr. Escrochi from Shiraz University and Mr. Sharifi, deputy CEO, signed a Memorandum of Understanding between the two sides, regarding scientific and research cooperation. Both sides agreed to coordinate in:
•    Installing free versions of academic licenses of RETINA SimulationTM in research and educational centers of Shiraz University especially in Mansouri field researches, as well as holding free educational workshops and providing maintenance and engineering consultations.  
•    Implementing the EOR ideas proposed by Shiraz University as practical features in the RETINA SimulationTM in the form of joint projects
•    Paving the grounds for purchasing and using the commercial version of RETINA SimulationTM for Mansouri Field researches.
  • Signing of MoU for Cooperation between Shiraz University and ESTD