
ENERGIC to Held Reverse Pitch 2023

ENERGIC to Held Reverse Pitch 2023

Sunday، 30 April 2023

Energy Innovation Center (ENERGIC) is to hold a Call for Solution event dubbed as “Reverse Pitch 2023” for the subsidiaries of Pasargad Energy Development Company.

The event aims to solve the challenges and problems of Iran’s oil and energy industry by local startups and knowledge-based companies and within Iran’s National Elites Foundation’s development plan of problem-based events (known as Shahid Babaei Plan), public relations of Pasargad Energy Development Company reported.

It should be noted that the winners of the first and second challenges will enjoy the advantages of elite’s activities.

Location: Seraj Hall, Pardis Technology Park

Time: Thursday, May 11, 2023, from 16:00 to 18:00

On the sidelines of INOTEX 2023

In order to take part in the event, fill out the form provided in the link below:

  • ENERGIC to Held Reverse Pitch 2023