
Gasoline Output of Persian Gulf Star Refinery Hits 26 ml/d

Gasoline Output of Persian Gulf Star Refinery Hits 26 ml/d

Saturday، 28 July 2018

TEHRAN (Shana) -- The gasoline production capacity of Persian Gulf Star Refinery, also called Bandar Abbas Gas Condensate Refinery, has reached 26 million liters per day, the plant's CEO says.


Mohammad Ali Dadvar told Shana that by inauguration of the refinery's second phase its gasoline production reached 24 ml/d but another 2 ml/d was added to its production capacity by tapping the spare capacity of the plant's distillation unit and phase one.  

He further said that the hydrogen filtration unit for the third phase of the refinery was being installed and would come on-stream within the next month to bring the plant's daily gasoline production to 30 million liters per day.

The refinery is currently supplying 7 ml/d of gasoil as well which will reach 10 to 12 ml/d in the near future, the official added.

Once operating at full tilt, the refinery will supply 36 to 40 ml/d of gasoline. Its premium gasoline output will also be at 27 ml/d from currently 10 ml/d.

The plant is designed in three phases each operating with the nameplate capacity of 12 ml/d of gasoline.

Once the third phase of the plant comes online, Iran would be poised to become a gasoline exporter.

Persian Gulf Star Refinery is the world's largest gas condensate refinery which is 70% developed by domestically-built equipment, fully installed by Iranian companies, and 95% operated by domestic forces.   



  • Gasoline Output of Persian Gulf Star Refinery Hits 26 ml/d