Upgrades to M501F Gas Turbines and Other Components Deliver Industry-Leading Performance, Achieving an Output Increase of 9.2 Percent and a 2.9 Percen...
TEHRAN (Shana) -- Iran has started delivery of an offshore topside to be installed at Phase 14 of the supergiant South Pars Gas Field in Persian Gulf ...
With daily oil production of over 90 000 barrels per day from current fields and with expected investments of more than 15 billion USD until 2030, Bra...
Equinor is today presenting plans for transforming the Norwegian continental shelf (NCS) for continued high value creation and low emissions for the c...
Equinor and partners at Gullfaks and Snorre have decided to explore the possibilities of supplying the Gullfaks and Snorre fields with power from floa...
TEHRAN (Shana) -- More than 108 years of prospecting for hydrocarbon reservoirs in Iran have resulted in the exploration of the supergiant South Pars ...
TEHRAN (Shana) -- Sitting atop 18% of the world's proven gas reserves, Iran ranks the first in terms of holding natural gas in the world. Owing to...
TEHRAN (Shana) -- Kurdistan Petrochemical Plant has launched two environmental projects: an online monitoring system for gas emissions, and a project ...
TEHRAN (Shana) -- The Scientific and Technology Department of Iranian Presidential Office will launch an energy technology center for the first time i...
Today, Equinor and the Johan Sverdrup partnership of Lundin Norway, Petoro, Aker BP and Total, are submitting the development plan for the second phas...
TEHRAN (Shana) -- Iranian Minister of Petroleum Bijan Zanganeh said: "Moving in line with US policies and subjective interpretation of the decisi...
TEHRAN (Shana) -- The National Petrochemical Company (NPC) is planning to complete the value chain in the second phase of Mahshahr Petrochemical Zone ...