UK authorities announced today, 20 September, that Equinor and its partner SSE were awarded contracts to develop three large scale offshore wind proje...
Equinor and its partners AkerBP and Wellesley Petroleum have found gas in the Ørn exploration well south-west of the Marulk field in the Norwegian Sea...
Goreh-Jask oil pipline project .h_iframe-aparat_embed_frame{position:relative;}.h_iframe-aparat_embed_frame .ratio{display:block;width:100%;height:a...
TEHRAN (Shana) – The National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) has planned to offer 2 million barrels of gas condensate on the international floor of ...
TEHRAN (Shana) – The Iranian Offshore Oil Company (IOOC) has joined the Department of Environment (DOE) to save the coral reefs of Khark Island ...
Future of oil .h_iframe-aparat_embed_frame{position:relative;}.h_iframe-aparat_embed_frame .ratio{display:block;width:100%;height:auto;}.h_iframe-ap...
Oil and its molecules .h_iframe-aparat_embed_frame{position:relative;}.h_iframe-aparat_embed_frame .ratio{display:block;width:100%;height:auto;}.h_i...
How to trade the oil markets ? .h_iframe-aparat_embed_frame{position:relative;}.h_iframe-aparat_embed_frame .ratio{display:block;width:100%;height:a...
We are concerned by the reports of widespread devastation coming from the Bahamas in the aftermath of Hurricane Dorian. All Equinor personnel in the B...
Equinor and its partners are preparing for production start from the world class Johan Sverdrup field already in October this year, one month ahead of...
On 1 September Equinor and its partners started production from the Snefrid Nord gas field, the first discovery tied back to the Norwegian Sea Aasta H...
Equinor and Lundin have completed both parts of the transaction announced on 7 July 2019. This follows all transaction conditions being met, including...